We will sell no wine map before its time.
I'm pretty sure that Paul Masson did
not say that over a century ago, but the words do apply here. After many production delays our
Wine Map of California is finally available. Thank you for your patience!
In the spirit of shameless marketing and selling more maps, I'd like to share a few more ways to use them:
[caption id="attachment_349" align="alignnone" width="700" caption="California Wine Travel Planning"]

Mount the map on foamboard and use it to plot new adventures or to remember where you've been. You can also attach it to your windshield as a crude form of sat-nav (not recommended by the California Highway Patrol).
[caption id="attachment_350" align="alignnone" width="700" caption="Wine Map Wallpaper"]

The wine map wallpaper idea is the favorite of our marketing department since it involves purchasing a serious amount of maps.
[caption id="attachment_351" align="alignleft" width="359" caption="Wine Map Drinking Game"]

This is my favorite and the most fun. It was sent to me by Cathy Jones who snapped this shot from her husband's recent birthday celebration. In Cathy's words:
He had taken up drinking an occasional Rioja after we traveled to Spain a few years ago. And he really liked your wine table that I bought for our anniversay last summer. Since then we have been trying to sample different varietals whenever we can. After getting your map, I made an impulse trip and purchased as many bottle of Spanish wines as I could find from the different regions. On his birthday, as he pulled each bottle from the box, we placed it on the map in the appropriate location. In this way, we were able to refresh our knowlege of Spanish geography and expand our repertoire of Spanish wines. We had quite a party after that. In fact, a couple of bottles "disappeared" before I thought to snap this picture. Needless to say, we are looking forward to your next map...
Thank you Cathy!
If you have any other creative ways to use these maps, please feel free to share them.
I i can’t tell if the new map is detailed enough to show the wineries, themselves, or just the appelations?
is the new map detailed enough to show the actual wineries or just the appelations?
Hi Shannon,
Our map shows only the appellations, so it’s probably better on the wall than in the car.
There is a folded map that shows 1,044 of the 2,687 winemakers in California that is better for use in the field:
Hi steve
I have picked up both your maps and they are very well done! BRAVO
Are you planning on doing any other maps in the near future?
Love my wine map of California. I have had it laminated and refer to it often. Ok … when do we get France and Italy?
When will the Italian Map by ready for purchase?
In the UK we’ve just been treated to a TV series illustrating the variety of Californian wines. Oz Clarke and James May (Two English characters) drove their motor home the length and breadth of California in search of the ‘New world’ of wine and I think that California will certainly be on a few English minds for their 2010 summer holidays. Certainly the thought of driving with a purpose has always interested me far more than laying on a beach for 2 weeks, doing nothing.
A wine seeking adventure is my idea of heaven.
Phil :-)
We find the De Long’s Wine Grape Varietal Table very useful for wine education. I’ve been looking at going the next step. That is using the data on the table to help characterize blends. To really do this it would help to know the source data that was used to place the grape varietals in the table. Is that data available?