
Tasting Notes

Diesel Wine

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Riesling is often described as "racy." The term usually refers to its high acidity but is even more apt when the same wines have that...

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War of the Rosés (Selecting the perfect yacht juice)
Newsletter Tasting Notes

War of the Rosés (Selecting the perfect yacht juice)

Steve De Long
By Steve De Long

Yachts? Rosés? But the markets are tanking and the summer is over! Damn the reality1, full speed ahead! For the past few years rosé sales...

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Iberia wine map Portuguese wine map Random Ramblings Spanish wine Spanish wine map wine map wine maps wines of Spain

Hot Off the Press - Our First Wine Map

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¿Por qué Iberia? We started with Spain and Portugal for 3 main reasons: It's the most dynamic (and constantly changing) area in the wine world...

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Random Ramblings

Hipster Alert: Rotgipfler the New It Grape

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Move aside Hondarribi Zuri (of Txakolina fame), there's a new grape in town. We were in New York City last week for a wedding and...

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Campania Chianti Naples Newsletter pizza pizza wine wine

A Pizza Wine Fiasco*?

Steve De Long
By Steve De Long

This article appeared in the August 2007 edition of Connections Magazine (Ireland) A man walks into a restaurant just outside of Naples and barks out...

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Random Ramblings

Classic Wine Flavors (Flavours)

Steve De Long
By Steve De Long

I just got back from a trip to Rome with a bitter taste in my mouth. No, it wasn’t a bad trip or anything like...

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Newsletter Tasting Notes

Are Oaked Wines Naff*?

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This article appeared in the June 2007 edition of Connections Magazine (Ireland) People who know nothing about wine – no, not you, I'm talking about...

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Coliseo Furmint Gamay Sans Tra La La Garrelière La Spinetta Bricco Quaglia Oremus Mandolas Raquillet Tasting Notes top wines Vergelegen Sauvignon Blanc wine

Top Ten of 2007

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These are my top ten most memorable and enjoyable wines from the past year. The only common thread in this eclectic group is that most...

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67 wine eric asimov nat decants Newsletter pouring Random Ramblings sommelier the pour wine

Extreme Pours

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“I’ll be pouring some excellent Cab Francs today.” Whatever happened to “We’re tasting some excellent Cab Francs today?” Everyone seems to be pouring everywhere these...

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